Tomashu “Kenyatta” Jones, Sr. is the Co-Editor of the Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME). He is a native of Los Angeles, CA.  He is currently a PhD Candidate at the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies with an emphasis in Urban Schooling, at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).  In addition to his Sacramento State Master of Science degree in Counseling (Marriage and Family Therapy & School Counseling PPS Credential), he holds a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies (Social Work, Ethnic Studies, and Education) from Sacramento State University.  Upon receiving his Masters degree, he was awarded the distinguishable honor of 2006 commencement speaker and valedictorian for the Sacramento State University Education Department.  He is a California State University (CSU) Doctoral Forgivable Loan Fellow and CSU Chancellor Office Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholar. Tomashu’s main teaching interest has been race and education in Counselor and Teacher Education. He has taught in several educational and professional development programs including Race, Class, and Gender Inequality in Education, Multicultural and Community counseling courses, and seminars/symposium on Black Males in education in urban and suburban schools. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his son Ken Jones, Jr.