Journal of the Professoriate

The Journal of the Professoriate is a peer-reviewed journal that promotes critical analysis among scholars and policymakers on issues affecting all college and university faculty in America and abroad. The mission of the Journal of the Professoriate is to provide an outlet for research and scholarship on issues pertaining to the pathways leading to the professoriate as well as all issues about and relevant to college and university faculty within academe and the global society.
Fall and Spring
All submitted manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition). Authors’ manuscript submission certifies that none of the contents are copyrighted, published, accepted for publication by another journal, under review by another journal, or submitted to another journal while under review by the Journal of the Professoriate.

All manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission process (see link below) and typed in Times New Roman (12 pt.), double-spaced on 8½ x 11 size paper, and accompanied by an abstract that does not exceed 120 words. Figures and Graphs must be camera-ready art and should be placed in the Appendices.

To protect anonymity during the review process, the title page should be the only place in the manuscript that includes the author(s) name(s) and institutional affiliation(s). All other identifying references and notes should be removed from the manuscript before it is submitted for publication consideration. Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 7,500 words. The manuscript review process takes 3-6 months.

The Journal of the Professoriate does not allow the use of footnotes or endnotes. References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the manuscript and referred to in the body of the text in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition). If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) will be asked to submit a copy of the final post-review version of the manuscript.

Manuscripts accepted for publication are subject to copyediting. Manuscript submission indicates the author’s commitment to publish in the Journal of the Professoriate and to give the journal first publication rights. No manuscript known to be under consideration by another journal will be reviewed. Upon publication, the Center for African American Research and Policy owns all rights including subsidiary rights. Our policy is to require the assignment of copyright on all published manuscripts. We understand that in return for publication, the journal has the nonexclusive rights to publish the contribution and the continuing unlimited right to include the contribution as part of any issue and/or volume reprint of the journal in which the contribution first appeared by any means and in any format.

  • Academic Search Alumni Edition, 12/1/2010-
  • Academic Search Complete, 12/1/2010-
  • Academic Search Elite, 12/1/2010-
  • Academic Search Premiere, 12/1/2010-
  • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 12/1/2010-
All submissions are refereed using a blind review system. Evaluative criteria include the following:

  • Importance of topic 0 1 2 3 4
  • Introduction 0 1 2 3 4
  • Literature review 0 1 2 3 4
  • Purpose of the study 0 1 2 3 4
  • Appropriateness of conceptual/
  • theoretical framework 0 1 2 3 4
  • Research design/methods 0 1 2 3 4
  • Results 0 1 2 3 4
  • Discussion 0 1 2 3 4
  • Conclusions and implications 0 1 2 3 4
  • Organization of ideas 0 1 2 3 4
  • Control for threats to validity and reliability 0 1 2 3 4
  • Adherence to APA (6th Edition) guidelines 0 1 2 3 4

Notification of the status of all manuscripts will be made by the editor. The following decisions will be communicated to the author:

  • Accept, as is
  • Accept, with minor revisions
  • Accept, with major revisions
  • May reconsider after major revisions
  • Reject, not reconsidered
  • Inappropriate for this journal

All accepted manuscripts will receive copyediting. The editor reserves the right to edit accepted articles to meet the journal’s standards and formatting guidelines.

When you revise your manuscript please highlight the changes you make in the manuscript by using the track changes mode in MS Word. Please DO NOT simply bold or highlight your revisions. You will need to upload two versions of your revised article following the same procedure as for submitting your initial version (anonymous):

  • A version with track changes visible should be resubmitted and titled “track changes.”
  • A “clean” version should be resubmitted and titled “manuscript for review purposes.”

Additionally, please submit a file named “Author’s Response to Decision” to detail the changes you have made and in response to which reviewer comments. Please do not identify yourself (and your co-authors, if applicable). The text entered here is potentially sent to reviewers and the author(s) must be anonymous.

Direct all manuscript submissions, queries, and inquiries to:

Henrietta Williams Pichon, Journal of the Professoriate, Editor-in-Chief at

The Center for African American Research and Policy (CAARP) at


Spring Issue, Spring 2023 JOTP – Volume 14, Issue One Front Matters ARTICLES Asian Faculty’s (Dis)Satisfaction: Workload and Compensation Mikyong Minsun Kim The George Washington University Becoming a Professor: Exploring New Faculty LearningLinda H. Slowik Sara Bano...


Fall Issue, Fall 2021 JOTP – Volume 12, Issue Two Front Matters ARTICLES A Systematic Review of Research on Faculty with Disabilities Rachel E. Friedensen St. Cloud State University Cassandra Volpe Horii California Institute of Technology Ezekiel Kimball University of...

JOTP Fall 2020

Full Issue, Fall 2020 JOTP – Volume 11, Issue Two Front Matters ARTICLES SoTL in Perspective: An Inventory of the Scholarship of Teaching Literature with Recommendations for Prospective Authors Claire Howell Major The University of Alabama John M. Braxton Vanderbilt...

JOTP Fall 2019

Full Issue, Fall 2019 JOTP - Volume 10, Issue Two Front Matter Articles Scholarship Re-reconsidered: An Alternative Approach to Scholarship for Professors of Education and Applied Disciplines Kevin B. Zook | Holy Family University Gwyneth Price | Clarion University...

JOTP Spring 2019

Full Issue, Spring 2019 JOTP - Volume 10, Issue One Front Matter Articles Adjunct Perspectives on Job Factors and Job Attitudes in Non-traditional Institutions Mario C. Martinez University of Texas, Arlington Mathew Martinez Princeton University Mid-career Faculty:...

JOTP – Winter 2016

Journal of the Professoriate Volume 8, Issue 2 Winter 2016 Full Issue JOTP Volume 8, Issue 2 Front Matter Articles Structuring for High Performance: A Case Study of Market-Based Faculty Work Vicente M. Lechuga Texas A&M University  Exploring Gender Disparities in...

JOTP – Spring 2016

Journal of the Professoriate Volume 8, Issue 1 Spring 2016 Full Issue JOTP Volume 8, Issue 1 Front Matter Articles View of Campus Community Members of Division I Athletes in Classroom Settings Eddie Comeaux University of California, Riverside Eric M. Snyder University...