2012 Center for African American Research & Policy (CAARP) Annual National Summit

“Forward: How We Can Improve and Believe in America”

Bally’s Atlantic City « Atlantic City, New Jersey

September 30 – October 2, 2012



CAARP is seeking proposals for research and/or policy presentations that relate to our Summit theme “Forward: How We Can Improve and Believe in America. As we approach the 2012 U.S. presidential election, our vision with this theme is to examine the key challenges that face the African American community, and develop strategies and tactics to empower individuals and enhance social outcomes for community members and beyond. Therefore, submissions should also connect with one of the Summit’s three broad sub-themes: education, the economy, and healthcare.

The education sub-theme encompasses such topics as bullying and school violence, charter schools and vouchers, disabilities, drop-outs/attrition and retention, equal access to quality education, financial aid and student loan debt, gender differences and single-gender classrooms, historically Black colleges and universities and predominantly White institutions, homework policies and practices, liberal arts versus pre-professional education, No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, school funding, racial/ethnic and economic disparities, standardized testing, STEM, student achievement, student health, teacher shortages, truancy, and virtual education.

The economy sub-theme comprises subjects like budget deficits (federal, state, and local), corporate corruption, entitlement reform, entrepreneurship and small businesses, fuel/oil prices, global economics, home ownership and the housing market, homelessness, immigration, income inequality, job training programs, jobs, poverty, recession, tax reform, the military and foreign engagement, the prison industrial complex, the stock market, the wealth gap, U.S. debt rating, and unemployment.

The healthcare sub-theme covers such issues as access to quality care, alternative medicine and holistic health, barriers to care, cancer, cultural factors, diabetes, diet and nutrition, discrimination, genetics, health disparities, health human resources or health workforce, health information technology, health insurance, HIV/AIDS, homicide, hypertension and heart disease, infant mortality, kidney disease, life expectancy, Medicare and Medicaid,  mental health, obesity, prevention/screening, primary care, religion, stroke, substance use/abuse, the Affordable Health Care Act, and universal healthcare.



Research and/or policy presentations should either focus on a research topic, which may or may not be based on a completed paper or project submit or critique policy related to the Summit theme or sub-themes. Presentations are 15-20 minutes in length with 10 to 15 minutes allotted for speaker presentation and 5 to 10 minutes reserved for questions.

  • Proposal Submission Form

This includes the title of the presentation, authors(s)/presenter(s), phone number, presentation category, related Summit sub-theme, and audiovisual requirements.

  • Proposal Abstract

The abstract should be in Microsoft Word and must contain the title plus a 150-300 word presentation description.

Submission forms and abstracts must be submitted electronically to Dr. Rikesha Fry Brown, Associate Director for Publications, at publications@caarpweb.org. Acknowledgements will be sent within 72 hours of proposal receipt, and notification of dispositions will be communicated within one week of receipt confirmation. Submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted on a rolling and space available basis, and selected presenters will be eligible to submit papers for possible publication in one of CAARP’s refereed journals.


Please use the following form to submit a proposal for consideration:

CAARP Annual National Summit – Call for Proposals